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The Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga (HSTY) is dedicated to propagating traditional yoga, i.e. the essence of yoga as per the original teachings codified in the scriptures by Maharishi Patanjali. HSTY’s mission is to promote a culture of yoga and make it accessible to all of mankind, beyond boundaries of country, religion, gender, class and wealth.
At its core, traditional yoga is all about simplicity and about being natural. A yogi is natural, i.e. lives in a state in which the body, mind and soul are in unison. This leads to alignment, health and equanimity, a state where one is happy and without anxieties, anger or stress. When practicing yoga, a sincere yoga practitioner gets fully in tune with his/her body and its subtle processes, thus quieting the mind.
In HSTY we do not look at yoga as exercise, but rather as a set of practices that help take one back to his/her original state. We look at yoga as a means to increase the awareness of one’s body and align the system to allow the expansion of consciousness.
HSTY’s yoga lessons are presented in the original form as it existed eons ago, with no change in form or presentation. Many of the contemporary Yoga schools pay more attention to the element of fitness, or the physical aspect, thus making Yoga practice suited to the specific interests of groups. Further, the ancient practices have been modified to support these specific interests thus reducing the holistic efficacy of yoga geared towards the body, mind and soul. The focus of these practices is on activity rather than awareness; seeking out rather than seeking within.
In such a scenario, HSTY remains loyal to the original teachings marked by the simplicity and depth of practice. Hence, Traditional Yoga is easy for people to adopt into their daily lives and benefit from the practice. Systematic practice of Traditional Yoga helps people break free from complexities of life and obtain relief from physical, mental or psychosomatic illnesses. Furthermore, healthy and happy people can contribute significantly to the upliftment of society.
Through Traditional yoga, our physical body and subtle bodies are being cleansed and prepared for the high current energies that pass through the system of those who are ready for the ultimate blossoming of consciousness, the ultimate promise of yoga – the unity consciousness and state of yoga as a path and destination.
HSTY is a Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance, the largest global association that represents the yoga community and sets global standards.
Students who complete our 200 hours course after completing an assessment at the end, are eligible for the RYT-200 designation from Yoga Alliance, which enables them to teach anywhere around the world as a certified yoga teacher.
Furthermore, HSTY is an Associate Centre of the Indian Yoga Association, an industry body of leading yoga institutions of India that is also a self-regulatory body
Dr Rshikesan is an expert in yoga theory and practice with almost 30 years of experience in the world of yoga.
A founding member of HSTY and instrumental in setting up the frameworks for teaching traditional yoga, based on his over 30 years of experience and research. ….
A core member and senior faculty member of HSTY. She is a certified Yoga Instructor (E-RYT), Global Ambassador of Mohanji Foundation…
A senior teacher and faculty member of HSTY. She is a multi-faceted professional with many years of experience in public and private organizations….
HSTY’s trainings and programs are oriented towards creating yogis, not just teachers or yoga practitioners. Yogis aim to uphold the ancient teachings and values of yoga through their own life and lead by example. Aside from the yoga practice, the values of a true yogic lifestyle (as defined by the great sage Patanjali through Yamas (socio-moral precepts) and Niyamas (self-disciplines) stated in Patanjali Yoga Sutras) are taken seriously. Non-violence and purity at the level of intention, thought, word and action, selflessness, social service, inner contentment, truthfulness, self-study, etc. are taken up with earnestness and dedication. Only then can a yoga instructor connect with the consciousness of the ancient Masters and sages of yoga through a heart-felt invocation at the beginning of a yoga session and actually be the instrument of their age-old blessings and Grace. That is the unmeasurable aspect of Traditional yoga which is felt and experienced at a deeper level as one approaches each asana with mindfulness, each blockage in the system felt as pain or stiffness in the muscles with loving care and slow, smooth breath.
HSTY’s yoga programs are designed with a holistic approach combining asanas, pranayama, chanting, meditation and diet. HSTY offers a variety of program formats:
Teachers Training Courses
Advanced programs of minimum 200 hours designed to train future HSTY Teachers in the in-depth knowledge and practical application of Traditional Yoga principles encompassing asanas, pranayama, mudras, chanting and meditation, along with the basis of Anatomy, Physiology, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, History of Yoga, etc. in line with the international standards of Yoga Teachers Training programs.
Simple, short-format yoga courses designed to introduce Traditional Yoga to beginners, so that they could incorporate yoga into their daily lives.
Yoga lessons for experienced practitioners to help them progress to more advanced levels of their yogic practice.
Yoga lessons for experienced practitioners to help them progress to more advanced levels of their yogic practice.
Programs designed to allow participants to detox and rejuvenate themselves, using a combination of yoga practices, meditations, suitable diet and other methods to enhance awareness and well-being.