Himalayan School of Traditional Languages is a global initiative inspired by Mohanji, to spread the light of Sanskrit to reach every corner of the world and thus making the human mind peaceful and aligned. HSTL is aimed at introducing the world to the ancient science that was written in Sanskrit and yet not all revealed to the whole world.


The sound of Sanskrit has the ability to purify and heal body, mind and spirit, as the sound vibration contained in mantras directly influences the subtle energy vibration of cells and organs, the nervous system and the chakras. Chanting of Sanskrit hymns improves focus and intellect also gets better by time.

Sanskrit is considered as the mother of all languages.

Knowing Sanskrit enables one to learn other languages with more ease and understanding.
Sanskrit literature highlights the importance of humanity, moral values, how to help the poor and harmonious development of the individual and society. Helping mentality, non-violence, truthfulness, all these values can be earned from Sanskrit Subhashitas. Sanskrit has contributed greatly to every branch of knowledge like Arts, Culture, Dance, Drama – in all we see the stamp of Sanskrit. By learning Sanskrit one can actually get to know more about ancient culture and heritage.

It is good if the modern generation has an inclination to study this language and savour the beauty and richness of the culture which the world has now begun recognizing.
We welcome you to start the journey of exploring Sanskrit along with us and our society.

Objective of HSTL

The objective is to spread the awareness and alignment for the progress of human growth and perspective by learning Shastra through learning the language. Sanskrit literature contains everything to make a human being spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically sound. All you have to do is fine tune your attention, so that you are drawn in and uplifted.

We are here to:

  • Make Sanskrit learning easy
  • Help people explore Sanskrit not only as literature but also as a science
  • Help people unleash the benefits of Sanskrit and enable them to use it in their day to day life by enhancing their understanding in Shastras
  • Show the synchronization of life and Sanskrit as a language.
Influences 97% of languages
Activates and rejuvenates the speakers
Vast reservoir of words
NASA holds over 60,000 manuscripts written in Sanskritunder research


Dr. K. Unnikrishnan

Senior Professor & Head of Sanskrit Department

Dr. K. Unnikrishnan, MA, Ph.D. Principal of Government Sanskrit College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala


Dr. Revathy T.I

Director HSTL

Dr. Revathy T.I, MA, Ph.D. is passionate about teaching Sanskrit. She has been participated in many national and international sanskrit seminars and workshops…


Our way of teaching is direct and interactive. We teach with actions and examples. The teaching instils more interest and thereby encourages serious learners to explore more about Sanskrit.

The pedagogy incorporates a direct and interactive style that is focused on conversing in Sanskrit, with a number of examples and actions.

At the end of the course, you will be able to conduct basic conversations in Sanskrit as well as begin to appreciate the wealth of literature in Sanskrit. You will also have a better understanding about how to chant mantras and their effects on the human constitution.

Preliminary I-Manīsha 20 hours

Introduction: Conversing in Sanskrit Introduction to Grammar Learn Subhashitams, Suktis and Mantras Learning Sanskrit Literature Selected Slokas from Bhagvat Gita

Preliminiary II- Medhā 40 hours

Introduction: Conversing in Sanskrit Introduction to Grammar Learn Subhashitams, Suktis and Mantras Learning Sanskrit Literature Selected Slokas from Bhagvat Gita

Advanced I- Pratibhā 60 hours

Vedic Literature Epics Grammar Introducing Basic text of Paninian Grammar Six Systems of Indian Philosophy (Philosophy in Indian Context is referred to a vision or insight into reality) Bhagvat Gita-Chapter 12 Translation

Six Systems of Indian Philosophy- Prajňa

Vedic Literature Epics Grammar Introducing Basic text of Paninian Grammar Six Systems of Indian Philosophy (Philosophy in Indian Context is referred to as which means vision or insight into reality) Bhagvat Gita-Chapter 15 Translation Assessments will be held after each course and certificates will be provided to the candidates.